Product Details

Vidanga Extract, 2 oz.

Embelia ribes


Availability: In Stock

Taste: Pungent, Bitter,


Vidanga is used to eliminate excess vata from the lower intestines. This is extremely important since vata can become debilitating. Vidanga also strengthens agni (digestive fire) and supports detoxification. In Ayurveda, it is regarded as ascaridal, specific for large intestinal nematodes, as well as giardia. In clinical trials, tape worms were expelled in 6-24 hours. It is also a febrifuge. Studies indicate that it is estrogenic and mildly progestogenic. The berries are spermicidal and are being studied as a natural contraceptive. The effects on male fertility are easily reversed once stopping the use of the berries.

Use of this herb should be suspended if changes in peripheral vision are noted. It should also not be used by those trying to have children since it acts as an antifertility agent.

1:4 extract of organically grown Embelia ribes fruit 1:4 in Distilled Water, Organic Alcohol, and Vegetable Glycerin.

Alcohol: 30%

30 drops in a small amount of water, 2 to 3 times daily, or as directed by your health care provider. Shake well before using.